Abstract Guidelines for Papers
Abstracts should include the chapters of a scientific publication (In the first paragraph, the importance and scope of the study, in the second paragraph, the aim, method, findings and results of the study should be included). Probable results should be included in ongoing research. The papers to be presented at the congress must be in the form of theoretical and / or applied original studies, which can contribute to scientific development and must give the final message. The following must be taken into consideration in order to avoid any typographical errors in the full text book.
1. The abstract should not exceed 500 words, excluding title, author's name and surname.
2. The paper can preferably be prepared in Turkish, English and Italian. However, in order to be submitted to the arbitration board even if the paper is prepared in Turkish, it is required to have a summary in English.
3. The authors who submit the paper must register.
4. If the work is to be presented as a poster, it should be stated in parentheses in the title of study.
5. Posters should be maximum A0 (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm). Font size must be large enough to be visible from at least one meter away.
6. Authors should be next to their posters on the poster presentation date (Poster texts must be submitted in full text until the deadline).
7. Papers that are not arranged according to the template will be sent back to the author.
* For the paper template Click Here.
** For abstract submission Click Here.
Assessment of the Papers
The evaluation will be done by the Science Board, keeping the names/surnames and institutions of the researchers confidential. In order for the papers to be evaluated, at least one of the researchers should be registered in the paper submission system. The result of the evaluation will be sent as a result letter to all the authors.